EJEKTORLUFTNING AV JÄRNHALTIGT GRUNDVATTEN Del 2. Jämförelser mellan olika fullskaleluftningsmetoder / Ejector aeration of iron containing ground water Part 2. Comparison between different full scale aeration methods
The purpose of ground water aeration is mainly to remove un-wanted gases and impurities as well as improve the oxidation of iron and manganese. In the field tests, the ejector aeration was compared with an INKA- aerator, a membrane-aerator, a droplet-aerator and a cascade-aerator. The different aerators performance as oxygen transfer efficiency [%], aeration efficiency [kg 02/kWh] and cost efficiency [kr/kg 02] was measured. The results of these comparisons show that the ejector aerator can compete very well with the other aerator systems. All oxygen transfer methods studied manage to saturate the water with oxygen fast and efficient. When the water also is to be degassed, for instance in order to increase the pH or the water, the best working aerators are the INKA-aerator and the ejector-aerator.