FÖRSLAG TILL EKOTOXIKOLOGISK RISKBEDÖMNING AV SEDIMENT – INTEGRERAD KEMISK OCH BIOLOGISK KARAKTERISERING / Proposal for an ecotoxicological risk assessment of sediments – An integrated chemical and biological characterisation
A strategy for the sampling, analysis and biological assessment of sediments contaminated from a variety of sources in urban areas, such as industry and surface run off is suggested for Swedish conditions. The strategy is suitable for an initial assessment of chemical content, bio-availability, genotoxicity and the persistence of known persistent pollutants. The strategy includes methods that are currently under development besides the established tests and analyses. Whole sediments, pore water and sediments and pore waters oxidised in the laboratory to represent the worst situations will be tested. A number of suggested bio-tests and analytical methods are included in a manual for the assessment of polluted land and water areas (MIFO), produced by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency