Potentiella högvärdesprodukter från produktionsvåtmarker / Potential high value products from production wetlands
As a part of the BUCEFALOS project, which aims to decrease the eutrophication in the Baltic Sea, production wetlands has been constructed in the creeks Tullstorpsån and Albäcksån in the municipality of Trelleborg in Scania. The plants in the wetlands are to be continuously harvested, thereby ensuring that the phytoremediation efficiency of the wetlands is managed at the same time as biomass is generated, from which biogas and fertilizers can be achieved. However, to increase the profitability of the project it is interesting to evaluate whether the biomass can be utilized for more lucrative high value products. This article summarizes information about research and possible application areas about four common wetland plants that are to be grown at the sites. In conclusion, some of the main findings are that there is a certain interest for locally produced common reed for thatching roofs, and that reed canarygrass is grown in Northern Sweden for production of bioenergy, mainly in the form of pellets. Moreover, that stonewort has an abundant content of the easily extracted growth hormone gibberellin (GA), which is extensively used internationally by farming industries. And supposedly that organic batteries before long will be produced in broad scale, made from a composite material fabricated partly from the unique cellulose of the green algae called mermaid’s hair.