SYNPUNKTER PÅ MIKROORGANISMER SOM INDIKATORER I VATTENFÖRSÖRJNINGEN / Comments regarding microorganisms as indicators in water supply
The concept of coliforms as faecal pollution indicator organisms have been used to evaluate the water quality and the efficiency of the water treatment for about 100 years with varying degrees of success.
Water borne diseases are caused by wider sorts of micro-organisms. The importance of the viruses and protozoa are increasing. These micro-organisms have no connection with coliform bacteria. The paper discusses the possible use of alternative or adjunct indicators and the employment of the heterotrophic plate count bacteria.
The paper suggests that algae could have a certain role in indicating the efficiency of various water treatment processes. In slow sand filter technology they are very useful indicators.
Analysing micro-organisms densities in larger volumes of water can provide better information for monitoring and controlling quality. The paper suggests research to develop new methods for concentrating samples on site, e.g. with use of membrane filters.