THE USE OF GLEAMS MODEL TO PREDICT PHOSPHORUS LOSSES FROM DRAINED CLAY SOILS / Användning av GLEAMSmodellen för att förutse fosforförluster från dränerade lerjordar
Consideration of the impact of preferential flow is important for accurate predictions of phosphorus (P) losses for structured soils. The possibilities for adapting the GLEAMS model to preferential flow were investigated for two tile-drained structured clay soils, one in south-west Sweden and the other in central Sweden The results indicated that GLEAMS was capable of simulating drainage discharge, and dissolved-P losses reasonably well but that the input data needed to be better defined than it is at present. A submodel, ”PARTLE” used to predict the particulate phosphorus losses was tested as well. Using this algoritm the ratio of drainage discharge to precipitation was classified. The results indicated that the PARTLE submodel, in association with the GLEAMS model, provided reasonable estimates of the long-term average of particulate-P loss via drainage tiles in structured soils.