Befolkningstillväxt och vattentillgång i obalans / Unbalance between population increase and access to water
The United Nations 2010 revision of the world population estimates the population to increase from about 7 billion today to slightly more than 10 billion in 2100. In the most probable scenario the fertility will reach replacement level during the later decades of the period, after which the total population will not increase significantly. With an efficient food production, a total population of about 10 billion is believed to be provided for. The UN prognosis clearly shows that a large part of the increase in population is expected to occur in areas where there is physical water scarcity or a situation approaching water scarcity. This is a serious problem, since food production in these areas demands irrigation. A prognosis covering almost 100 years has of course a great deal of uncertainty. It is however clear that many of the countries where there is physical water scarcity today will see a great increase in population in the near future. This will probably result in problems in producing enough food, since water is needed for irrigation. Lack of water will result in lack of food. The aid from the developed world should focus on transfer of knowledge about family planning, efficient food production and efficient use of water.