Monitoring av läckage av kväve och fosfor från åkermark i Leningrads län till Finska viken / Monitoring of Nitrogen and Phosphorus losses from arable land in Leningrad County
The Gulf of Finland is one of the most eutrophicated parts of the Baltic sea. Besides the city of St Petersburg the share of nitrogen and phosphorus from agriculture have been in focus. A new Swedish-Russian long-term cooperation have started in the county of Leningrad. The purpose is among others to establish monitoring stations. These measurements will form a better basis for source apportionment but also for advice on counteractions to eutrophication of the Gulf of Finland.
The first year of measurements indicated that leaching of nitrogen from agricultural land was moderate. It largely depends on the cultivation on extensive grasslands. Pollution from manure handling on the farms has shown to be larger. The lack of proper storage and handling of manure leads to daily application of manure in the field regardless of conditions. This has caused pollution of surface- and groundwater in the vicinity of farm-centers.
The measurements continue in a new permanent monitoring station where discharge is measured continuously. In the second phase of the project different models will be used to make source apportionments.